The R20 – Regions of Climate Action Founding Chair, former Governor ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, along with UNIDO, UNDP, UNEP, the Assembly of European Regions and the Nobel Sustainability Trust, invite you to the Vienna R20 Conference, to be held in Vienna, Austria, from January 31st to February 1st, 2013.
The conference, opened by Federal Chancellor of Austria WERNER FAYMANN and the President of the European Commission JOSE MANUEL BARROSO (tbc), will highlight sub-national governments’ role in reaching the European Union’s climate and energy targets, as well as their contribution to the United Nations “Sustainable Energy for All” campaign.
Policy-makers, practitioners and scientists will share their experiences and discuss how to best “Implement the Sustainable Energy Future” at the sub-national level. Participants from all over the world will present their clean energy strategies and best practices, technological solutions and innovative financing schemes, demonstrating that sub-national action is key in building sustainable economies and making clean sources of energy available to all.
For information about the conference program, logistics and participation fee, please visit the official conference website.
Venue: Aula der Wissenschaften (Science Auditorium), Wollzeile 27a, 1010 Vienna, Austria
Registration: Participants can register until January 20, 2013
Contact: Phone: +43/1/796 54 44-0