The IETS TCP’s International Conference: Energy Future in Industry

Three inspiring days focusing on transformation – Welcome to Gothenburg!

„This is where the industry, academy and policy makers meet to discuss measures, opportunities and obstacles for achieving a future energy-efficient industry with zero or negative emissions.“

Industry is one of the largest GHG (Greenhouse Gas) emitting sectors globally. The transformation of this sector for higher energy efficiency and GHG mitigation is crucial for industrial and societal economy and climate.

The need for industrial GHG mitigation has been highlighted by e. g., IPCC (the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) and IEA (the International Energy Agency), stating that efforts and implementation of novel industrial technologies and systems must be accelerated in near future in order to reach zero emissions by 2050.

Within the industry sector, a large number of competences, scientific disciplines and industry types must cooperate in order to achieve higher energy efficiency and deep decarbonization. For radical reduction of GHG emissions, a complex mix of measures and combinations between existing and novel technologies/systems will be necessary. According to IEA’s net zero pathway, almost half of the reductions in 2050 must come from technologies that are currently only at the demonstration or prototype phase.

Analysis and dissemination of knowledge about opportunities and hurdles are crucial for achieving the transformation, both in a short-term and in a long-term perspective. Knowledge, experiences and future uncertainties regarding technical, economic and system aspects are of high importance.

During the conference, these aspects will be presented and discussed for several major industrial technologies and systems.

The main objectives of the conference are:

  • To give an overview of important developments of and measures for achieving energy efficiency and radical GHG mitigation in future industries
  • To identify urgent needs for further work
  • To improve the knowledge about the possible roles of different major measures for achieving zero or negative emissions in industrial plants as well as the importance of a system perspective
  • To give opportunities for experts in specific areas to participate in international networking

All presentations in the conference will be by invitation only.

In the international work within the IETS TCP, a majority of areas of importance for the transformation of industry are included. The conference session areas are based on the networking in ongoing tasks within the IETS TCP. You can find the session topics and descriptions in the program. The aims of each session are to give an overview of major developments, possible future role in the industrial energy system and need for further work and cooperation.

Austria, represented by the Climate and Energy Fund, is an active member of the Technology Cooperation Program (TCP).

