On November 18th and 19th, 2021, the 16th International A3PS Conference will bring together leading representatives from industry, R&D and technology policy to discuss the actual development and market introduction of efficient propulsion concepts and sustainable energy carriers. Bonded by the European Green Deal, we are all together on the way to a climate neutral mobility and collaboration throughout scientific disciplines, supply chains and national borders seems ever more important.
This year’s conference also gives us the chance to proudly celebrate the 15th Anniversary of A3PS. Founded in 2006, the platform successfully connected important mobility players, scientists, politicians and automotive industry from small to multi-billion-companies all over Austria. Starting as niche topic, sustainable propulsion systems became and are today heart of the mobility transformation. A change which constantly increases the fields of action of A3PS and its partners in depth and in diversity.
Goals are set, as lain down in the re-newed Austrian law for renewable energy (EAG), but many paths claim to lead to a carbon neutral future. Which are to be pursued? To better understand the complexity and interdependencies that challenge the transport transformation, we ought to exchange knowledge on a most broad level. From primary material resources over the whole production chain to energy carriers, from passenger mobility to commercial vehicles and from production to recycling, all impacts need to be taken into account regarding the whole life cycle. Of course, this important task cannot be solved by one nation single-handedly but in cooperation with experts and policy makers from all over Europe.
- What environmental beneftis can we expect from actual research results for the automotive industry?
- How can critical resources be coordinated across competing industries?
- What alternative propulsion system best serves which purpose?
- How does the future mix of vehicles on European roads look like?
- Which eco-friendly technologies promise the best results according to Life Cycle Assessments?