Austrian Climate Research Program 2009

The ACRP focuses on issues of climate change and its impacts, adaptation, mitigation, and their mutual interrelation.

  • Themen
    • Forschung
  • Zielgruppe
    • Forschungseinrichtungen
  • Beschreibung
  • The Climate and Energy Fund (Klima- und Energiefonds) is an important instrument of the Austrian Federal Government for the creation of incentives in

    the field of climate policy. Within the Climate and Energy Fund framework, the Austrian Climate Research Programme (ACRP) provides a conceptual and institutional framework for supporting climate research in Austria.

    Content of the 2nd call:

    The Climate and Energy Fund supports a broad range of research topics, the intention being to help Austria deal with climate change through mitigation and adaptation, and to contribute towards building a high level of climate research competence for relevant policy areas in Austria. The ACRP focuses on issues of climate change and its impacts, adaptation, mitigation, and their mutual interrelation (research focused on technology-specific climate mitigation is financed under the “Neue Energien 2020 (New Energies 2020) calls and under various calls of the BMVIT – Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology – and will not be funded within the ACRP). The following thematic areas indicate the broad range covered by the ACRP research agenda and can serve as a guide for the submission of proposals:

    Thematic areas:

    • Assessment and management of climate impacts
    • National climate policy: options, instruments and implementation
    • European and global climate policy.

    Admissible types of projects:

    Research projects can be submitted in all thematic areas mentioned, including activities supporting cooperation and knowledge transfer in Austria (events, workshops, summer schools, post docs, and further networking activities). Interdisciplinary research teams are encouraged, but in some cases focused disciplinary research will be more effective in addressing the research issues at hand. Thus, a broad range of research will be eligible for funding.

    Stakeholder involvement, if relevant, is encouraged in all thematic areas.

    Submission deadline: 26 March 2010 at 24:00 for the application to be submitted on the ACRP platform

    Submission to:

    The project proposals have to be uploaded on the ACRP platform, the submission of project proposals in paper copies or on electronic data storage media at the KPC Programme Management Office is not possible.